Space Needle Website
***AWWWARDS, FWA Site of the day, Communication Arts Interactive Annual
The Space Needle has long stood as a symbol of what ’s possible. We set out to make an online experience that continues and celebrates that legacy, with a website as inspiring (and as tall) as the Space Needle itself. And just as this monument takes you up 520 feet, we made a website that scrolls up, taking you on a similar adventure. Upon arriving online, begin an upward, interactive tour of Seattle's architectural wonder—dodge clouds and seaplanes, pinpoint Mt. Rainier and learn fascinating tidbits about the Space Needle and the city that surrounds it. And just because the building stops at 605 feet doesn’t mean the website has to. Rocket across new expanses, into the stars, past a satellite and off in to the galaxy.
It's a site that scrolls up!
RECOGNITION: AWWWARDS, FWA Site of the day, Communication Arts Interactive Annual